Raise your SSAT Test Score with Tutoring and Lots of Practice

The SSAT test is a major part of the private school admission process, and most schools have a cut-off score and they will not consider students who do not reach it. Starting early on SSAT test prep and practicing the skills regularly is the only sure way to receive a high SSAT test score. As the following article states, the more you practice and target your test-taking strategies, while working with a private tutor, the higher your SSAT test score will be for private school admission.

SSAT Test Prep Mistakes

The SSAT or Secondary Schools Admissions Test is widely used by private school admissions offices to determine academic competency levels of applicants. Consequently there is a lot riding on doing well in the SSAT.
Don’t wait until the last minute to do a practice test. The SSAT is much like any other standardized test. You will be more confident if you take a couple of practice tests. Practice tests give you a better understanding of the test format, the kinds of questions which are asked and the time limits involved. Don’t wait until the last minute to remediate learning deficiencies. For example, suppose that you are sort of weak in math. It makes great sense to remediate that deficiency as soon as you can. Get extra help. Hire a tutor. There are plenty of online sites which will give you lots of extra practice. But start as early as you can. Practice as often as you can, preferably daily, until you are really good at the skills required.