ISEE Formats and Testing Seasons

Testing Seasons

Students may register to take the ISEE one time in any or all of three testing seasons. The ISEE testing seasons are defined as Fall (August–November), Winter (December–March), and Spring/Summer (April–July). ISEE does not encourage multiple testing, but we do offer students and families that option.


The ISEE is available in both online and paper testing formats. Format availability varies by level and test location. Both modalities have the same number of questions, the same timing, and the same opportunity for students to change their answers within a test section.

Online Tests (All Levels)

Online tests are available for all levels. Test questions are presented on a testing device and multiple-choice responses are marked on a testing device. The essay portion of the test is typed. Scratch paper and pencils are provided by the test site.

Paper Tests (Lower, Middle, and Upper Levels)

Paper tests are available only for students entering Grades 5 – 12 (Lower, Middle, and Upper Levels). Test questions are presented in a test booklet and multiple-choice responses are bubbled on a separate answer document using a #2 or HB pencil. Blank space in the test booklet may be used as scratch paper. Students handwrite the essay in the space provided on the answer sheet, using a black or blue ballpoint pen. Erasable pens are permitted.


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